
Showing posts from March, 2014


Hashtag that is trendy lately. Launched on . I saw the hashtag a lot, but i couldn't understand what is this? what is happening?  Now i understood what is the trend lately? and simply i'm in. One of my best best friends in university told me about the challenge and sent me the above link. So, i went like crazy about the idea of being happy for 100 days in a row!! I entered the website and read every single word there. "Can you be happy for 100 days in a row?  What? We live in times when super-busy schedules have  become something to boast about. While the speed of life  increases, there is less and less time to enjoy the moment  that you are in. The ability to appreciate the moment, the  environment and yourself in it, is the base for the bridge  towards long term happiness of any human being.  71% of people tried to complete this challenge, but failed  quoting lack of time as the main reason. This people simply  d...

Double L!!

What do you think double L is? What are the double L i'll write about? The double L are lemon and life. Two photographers called April Maciborka and David Wile created a series of photographs for toddlers tasting lemons for the first time ever. And while watching the photographs we will figure out the relation between lemons and life. Here they tasted lemon for the very first time, they were shocked because it is very sour. Some cried, others were shocked.  The second L is life related to those lemons, as lemons are sour but we love it; regardless to its sourness we can make it sweet as a lemonade and drink it fresh. With the same point of view of the lemon to lemonade; we can shift life from sour and sad to sweet and happy. We may enjoy the cold drink and the loud laugh by merging the double L of the world Lemon and Life.  Please go make a lemonade and enjoy it cold!! Laugh a loud laugh and enjoy life!!


RoaR .. the blog title i finally chose. This is a very long story, since i began blogging and i changed this title up to 4 times. And i think this time is the final change.  RoaR is my blog title finallyy .. RoaR is the sound of lions, tigers, leopards and those huge animals; i chose RoaR to be my sound and voice too.  In this blog i'm RoaRing .. telling you everything i want to say. Here i'm stating this freely and out load.  Enjoy my RoaRing and send me your feedbacks and recommendations.

الرقابه من جوا و من برا

حلاوه روح .. حجر اساس .. عبده موته .. و غيره كتيير اوي .. افلام ملهاش اي معني ولا هدف ولا قصه .. فيلم عباره عن انعدام تربيه و اخلاق .. بدل ما ندي للأطفال و الشباب نماذج كويسه يكون نفسهم يكبروا و يكونوا زيهم .. بنقول للأطفال ازاي تتحرش ببنات الناس و ازاي تكون في علاقه مع مدرستك و انت عندك 11 سنه .. و ازاي تكون نصاب و بلطاجي ... طب الاخلاق هتيجي منين .. لو قرضنا ان الاهالي بتربي فالبيت .. فدا بيروح برا البيت من الصحاب و الافلام و الاغاني و الاعلانات و كل حاجه حوالينا ... رأي الشخصي اننا نمنع الاعلانات دي خالص .. و الاغاني و الكليبات يكون ليها قنوات معينه و معروفه عشان يكون اختيار الاهل .. و الافلام دي يكون لها سن .. لازم يكون في رقابه من جوا البيت و من برا كمان .. الرقابه مش بس من برا بس بردو مش فيلم لاموائخذه يفضل سنين في الرقابه و الافلام دي بيتوافق عليها بسهوله ... دور البيت مهم و الرقابه اللي جوا اهم .. مهم اوي اني اعرف عيالي بيعملوا ايه و بيعرفوا ايه و اصحابهم ايه و بيشوفوا ايه و بيسمعوا ايه ... يا رب نرجع للتربيه و الاخلاق .. بدل القرف اللي احنا فيه دا .. اصل التربيه ...

بنت و ولد في مجتمع شرقي

نفسي اكتب في الموضوع دا من مده .. بس كل ما اكتب اقول دا cliche اوي .. و دلوقتي الناس كلها بتكلم و بتكتب و hashtags .. بس بردو مش قادره ما اكتبش فهكتب و رزقي و رزقكم علي الله ... هتكلم انهرده زي ما واضح ...


Bloglovin link: <a href="">Follow my blog with Bloglovin</a> One site that notifies you every time one of your favorite bloggers write a new post. After one year from creating this website 1000 people signed up.  And there are wonderful people behind this great website, get to know them from here: This is my Bloglovin page:

فكه .. بتعمل ايه؟!

كلنا بنقول و هي الفكه بتعمل ايه دلوقتي .. زمان كان الجنيه و النص و الربع بيستخدموا و بيشتروا حاجات كتير كمان .. دلوقتي الفكه بخ و مش بتعمل اي حاجه ... الفكه مش بخ .. الفكه بتعمل كتير بس احنا مش واخدين بالنا .. الجنيه علي الجنيه و النص علي النص و الربع علي الربع هيعملوا حاجات كتيييير .. و لو بتسأل انا ليه بكلم علي الجنيه و النص و الربع .. انا عارفه ان الخمسه و العشره دلوقتي اصلا اصبحوا و بقدره قادر فكه ... فكه دي فكره كانت في دماغ اللي افتكسها و هو جاسر درويش .. شاب جامعي و شاف ان الفكه اتهزئت اوي مع انها ممكن تعمل كتير اوي و مشاريع مختلفه في مجالات مختلفه كمان .. و الحلم اللي في دماغ جاسر اصبح حقيقه علي ارض الواقع ... فكه هدفها هو انها تنشر افكار و مقتراحات الشباب و تنفذها في هيئه مشروعات قوميه مع مساعده المسؤليين و بعض المؤسسات الخاصه .. بيساهم في خمس مجالات و هما التعليم و الصحه و الصناعه و الثقافه و الرياضه .. و دا عن طريق التبرعات و التحويلات البنكيه و ميجا الخير و فوري و صناديق في الhyper markets و Online ... مش نفسك تعمل خير جديد .. و بدل ما الفكه مش عارف تعمل ب...


Fear .. I imagine this word as a big, black, cloud coming to eat me .. or eat the one who fears actually. Fear comes either from rejection, disappointment, or failure. Why do we really fear? What is real fear? What is the real size of fear? Fear is not that big. Fear is a shallow, small thing. Fear only exists in our minds no more and no less. Fear is just not feeling comfortable to try anything out of your comfort zone. We fear only because of either past experiences or people will say so and so. Fear is not real. Fear is not here. Fear is not there. We can face all our fears. Just step out of your comfort zone, try each and every new thing or try all the things you fear from. Face it. Fears is not always in the state of phobias .. we may be afraid from a past rejection or a past unpleasant experiences. My advice: face all these things, begin changing your paradigms, start do things that you were rejected in before and try to excel and succeed. Face all your fears and shift your ...

Love is in the air ...

When the right person comes, everything helps both of you to live happily ever after. Exactly as in Paperman by Disney, when the right man met the right woman, the whole world works to make them love each other. Watch this: Love is in the air, is the only words that can describe this state. Where he saw her, loved her, saw her again by coincidence at the office in front of him, so he began to make some noise and fold some paper planes and fly them for her to notice him, and when she didn't notice him he send her the last paper plane made from her own paper that she left with him the first time they saw each other; the wind did all the magic and went grabbing him and her in the same train and made them meet again to confess their love to each other. This video that I've tried hardly to describe, supports my point of view about love; love is in the air, when it is the right person and at the right time all t...

عزومه علي ضحكه ...

انتي ازاي مبسوطه 24/7 .. انتي ازاي بتحبي الحياه كدا .. بحب انك دايما متفائله .. بحب حبك الحياه .. بحب فرحتك .. بحب طفولتك .. دا كلام دايما بيتقال لي .. و كبام بحب اسمعه طول ما النيه مش حسد ولا ح...

Women and sterotyping

Being "motherly" .. is not a bad thing to become a stereotype .. its God's gift to us .. to women .. to care a lot, take carw of others. Being "dependent" .. is not a general concept for women .. as there are men who are either dependent on their mothers, fathers, siblings, wives .. dependent is in men and women .. it only depends on the personality. Being "gossipy" .. not all girls or women are gossipy .. it depends on the character itself. Being "air-headed" .. girls and women can read alot and be deep .. in real life most boys and men don't like reading. These stereotypes are always compained with women. Despite the fact that most of these words can describe men or women. Most of these words are depending on the characters and personalities not the gender. Stop sterotyping ...

عيش بالتفاصيل

الاكتئاب هو انك تصحي منغير دافع يخاليك تقوم من السرير و تعيش .. كلنا بتعدي بالوقت دا مش عيب .. و ربنا في لحظه بيغير الأحوال .. و هوب تلاقي دوافع كتير تخاليك تصحي و تقوم من السرير و ...

Mother's day!!

Is the mum is the one who gives birth or the one who disciplines you and helps you to grow up? A mother is the one who felt all the pain and accepted all the tiring days and nights .. and when you came out she loved you with all her heart. In addition to, always being on your side .. whenever you fall, she helps you to stand up again .. whenever you do anything wrong, she tries to correct it .. whenever you need help, she is here like your shadow .. whenever you were ill or sick, she sat beside you all night. A mum is simply a mix of this and that. She is a mix of a mother, friend, soulmate, and bits and bites from everything else. A mum is full of different roles, since she is pregnant and till forever. Does she only deserve a day in the whole year .. only a day to celebrate her .. one day to treat her well and surprise her with a gift. I believe mothers don't need Facebook pictures and captions .. she even needless of all the gifts and surprises .. she only needs to see her...

طعم النجاح

النجاح حلو .. حلو اوي كمان ... انا اول ما بدات اكتب معرفتش اقول ايه اللي هيحصل .. بس الحمد لله نجح و نجحت انا معاه ... بدأت اكتب .. و بدأت الاقي ناس بتدخل تشوف الblog من 100 ل 1000 و قربت عال10000 كمان ... و بتشجيع امي و ابويا و اختي و اصحابي و زمايلي و ناس معرفهاش .. مع كمان شويه تشجيع من ناس مشهوره و معروفه .. فرحتي كبرت و زادت و تضاعفت ... و واحده واحده بدأ Globook ينشروا ليا مقالات .. و عشان تقروا حاجاتي و حاجات غيري من الGlobook واحده من المكتبات الالكترونيه في مصر و الوطن العربي كمان و دي links عشان تنزلوا الapplication علي itunes و googleplay ...

السعاده بجد

السعاده بجد .. سؤال عايزين له اجابه .. هي السعاده بتيجي لما حاجه تحصل لنا .. ولا السعاده بتيجي من جوانا ... تعالوا نشوف سوا كدا ... انت بتكون دايما مبسوط و انت قاعد مع حبايبك .. اهل او صحا...

من حال الي حال

قادر ربنا يغير الاحوال و يبدل الاقدار .. بس نعمل ابسط حاجه و هي الدعاء علي الاقل .. امبارح كان حر و بليل مطر و ثلج و برق و رعد .. فربنا يقدر يغير الاحوال من حال لحال تاني خالص ... في حدي...

دعم .. أعمل خير عشان ربنا يحبك

عندنا في الجامعه الالمانيه في مركز لدعم ذوي الاحتياجات الخاصه .. انا ماكونتش اعرف عنه اي حاجه لأن المقر في المنطقه الصناعيه و دي في المجاهيل الي حد ما ... بس عشان انا بحب جدا ذوي الاحتياجات الخاصه .. و بالأخص الDawn Syndrome .. قرارت اكتشف فين المركز دا ... روحت سألت فين المقر و مين المسوؤل .. و مشيت مشوار طويل لحد المنطقه الصناعيه .. و دخلت المكتب .. رغم اني قاطعت اجتماع بس راحبوا بيا .. عاجبهم حماسي و قادروا رغبتي في التطوع معاهم ... اصل الحكايه كلها في ان ملهمش ذنب ان الناس كلها تشوفهم ناقصيين و يا حرام .. لاء المشكله فينا احنا مش فيهم هما .. المشكله اننا شايفين انهم ناقصين مع ان النقص فينا احنا .. احنا اللي شايفين يا حرام ناقصهم كتير مع ان احنا اللي ناقصنا كتير ... هما مش محتاجين نظره يا حرام مننا .. بس محتاجين نمسك ايدهم و نعلمهم و ندخلهم معانا في الحياه ... بصراحه دي مبادره تستحق الاحترام و التقدير من الجامعه و اتمني ان الجامعات كلها تعمل مبادرات شبه كدا .. بعد ما ذوي الاحتياجات الخاصه بيخلصوا المدرسه بيجوا الجامعه و يتعلموا حرف و مهارات الحياه .. و بعدها بيشتغل...

Frozen .. A fairy tale for all people !!

Disney is  a secret word for fantasy, fairy tales, and dreams that come to life. Disney helps everyone to live their personal fairy tale . Romance and prince charming is always the hero. But, this is not the case in Frozen; sisters are the hero in this case. Frozen won the Oscar, as the best animated movie. It is the 53rd film from Disney animated classic; based on a fairy tale called "The Snow Queen".  The film tells the story of a brave princess, went in a dangerous journey to the mountains to find her sister; because her sister left the town because of her magical icy powers, which gave the whole town an unexpected icy winter.  According to the Wikipedia; Frozen is counted to be the best Disney animated musical since the Renaissance era. The film won 2 "Academy Awards" for both "The Best Animated Feature" and "The Best Original Song" for "Let it Go"; it won also the "Golden Globe Award" for "Animated Feature F...

Help change a life :)

This is written on my new pin. I really loved this pin alot, that I can't resist buying it. So, I bought it immediately. "Help change a life" .. you can do this daily, with the smallest acts ever. Wake up with a smile .. change your life. Go see your family with a smile and exchange some hugs and kisses .. change your familys' lives. Go to your school or workplace with a smile .. and change the life of all your colleagues and friends too. Look how many lives you have changed with only a smile :) Everytime you are faced with someone needs help, just go and help. Everytime you are faced with some trafic insults, just go and forgive. Go .. Help change a life.

و لسوف يعطيك ربك فترضي :)

دايما بنفتكر ان اللي بيضحك دا مبسوط من جوا زي ما هو باين من برا .. دا مش بعيد نحسده كمان .. بس هو ممكن جدا يكون في موقف لا يحسد عليه .. و لو انت مكانه كان زمانك مكتئب اكتئاب ملوش اخر ... ا...

اتكلم مع ربنا دايما

ربنا لازم كل شويه يعمل حاجه يخاليك تفتكروا اوي .. و تظبط كدا علاقتك معه .. يعني لو ايمانك قل سيكا ربنا بيرجع يفكرك انه مسؤل عنك و عن كل حاجه حولك ... لما تتعب ارفع عينك لربنا و ادعي ا...