Love is in the air ...

When the right person comes, everything helps both of you to live happily ever after. Exactly as in Paperman by Disney, when the right man met the right woman, the whole world works to make them love each other.

Watch this:

Love is in the air, is the only words that can describe this state. Where he saw her, loved her, saw her again by coincidence at the office in front of him, so he began to make some noise and fold some paper planes and fly them for her to notice him, and when she didn't notice him he send her the last paper plane made from her own paper that she left with him the first time they saw each other; the wind did all the magic and went grabbing him and her in the same train and made them meet again to confess their love to each other.

This video that I've tried hardly to describe, supports my point of view about love; love is in the air, when it is the right person and at the right time all the universe help both of you to confess love for each other and to live happily ever after.

When you fall in true love words never counts, but deeds do all the magic. It never counts if s/he said they do love you, but what really counts is their deeds say so?! 

Think wisely before confessing love, before counting him as your man or counting her as your lady!!


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