
Showing posts from November, 2013

Wear my shoes

If you want to learn why I'm acting in this particular way, you have to wear my shoes; you have to pass by everything I've passed by. Really you don't have to accept me, I'm here with your acceptance or not; and we are all here with others acceptance or not.  All I need from you is you love!!

اتعلمت من منير :)

"يهمني الانسان و لو مالوش عنوان" ..  "كل المفروض مرفوض اثبت للعالم انك موجود" ..  "طعن الخناجر و لا حكم الخسيس فيا" ..  "كاره اكرهني لكن اسمعني" ..  "أزاي هيكون انسان بصحيح من غير ما يقول الرأي صريح" ..  "منرضاش تدوس البشر بعضها" .. سنين حبي لمنير اثمرت .. انا حبيت منير من و انا عندي 15 سنه .. قصه مدتها 5 سنين .. بس الحمد لله اتعلمت حاجات كتير منها دول اللي فاكراهم دلوقتي .. و الحمدلله اتعلمت من منير اللي هو مش حرام و ماحدش بيحرمه .. اتعلمت من فنان عبقري مبيختلفش عليه اتنين ... علمني ان كلنا واحد .. اختلافنا يقوينا .. رأي ملكي لوحدي .. لازم نتقابل بعض و نتعايش سوا .. الظلم و القهر مرفوضين تماما ... يارب كلنا نفهم من اللي بنشوفوا و بنسمعوا و نتعلم حاجات .. منسلمش بحاجه .. مفيش مسلمات و كل حاجه قابله للنقاش :) #دعوه_للتعايش #دعوه_للتقبل 

صلحها في دماغك

يومين تدوين علي الhash-tag (#صلحهاXدماغك) علي الFacebook و الtwitter و الblogs ..  مجموعه من المنظمات و المبادرات شاركت في تنظيم يومين عشان نعمل دوشه و نصلحها في دماغنا .. الحمله دي عشان نغير مفهوم العنف ضد النساء ..  من المفاهيم اللي انا احب تتغير و قررت اكتب عنهم انهرده .. الحرام حرام علي الكل بنات و ولاد الحلال حلال علي الكل بنات و ولاد مش من حق اي حد انه يضايق حد تاني عشان بيختلف معاه حريتي تنتهي عند بدايه حريات الغير اصول الادب و التربيه واحده بين البنات و الولاد نرغي في نقطه نقطه بقا ... هبتدي في الكلام عن النقطه الاولي و التانيه سوا .. الحرام حرام و الحلال حلال .. ربنا لما نزل الحلال و الحرام محصلش تقسيم اصل دا ولد ولا اصل دي بنت .. يعني الحرام علينا كلنا حرام و الحلال علينا كلنا بردو .. و لو  في حاجه المجتمع بيرفضها لازم تترفض علي البنت و الولد ... ماينفعش اقبل الولد يشتم عادي بس البنت لاء .. في الاخر دا تلوث و شتايم و مايصحش لا الولد و البنت يعملوا دا ... لو اتكلمت عن الحريه .. مبدأ كدا ان حريتي بتنتهي عند بدايه حريتك .. و...

Out of your Comfort Zone

Your comfort zone is the state where you feel safe and at ease, outside your comfort zone you may feel uncomfortable. But life begins when you jump out of your comfort zone. We all live just once, so we have to take some risks and enjoy our lives'. To jump out of your comfort zone: try something new for you, or try doing anything with a new way; believe me you will enjoy it. face your fears; nothing have to have the power to scare you. make a fool out of yourself, make fun about yourself and share a good laugh with your friends and family; stop fearing from what people thinks. Start with these small things, always remember that small things are the things that count; so small changes in your routine will make the magic, and help you jump out of your comfort zone. Believe me, living life with no comfort zone is like heaven on earth, you will enjoy everything surrounds you.  Let's jump out of our comfort zone, let's accept any ideas contrast with ours. Go exp...

On YouTube

29 Ways to stay creative: Make lists Carry a notebook everywhere Try free writing Get away from the computer Quit beating yourself up Take breaks Sing in the shower Drink coffee Listen to new music Be open Surround yourself with creative people Get feedback Collaborate Don't give up Practice Allow yourself to make mistakes Go somewhere new Count your blessings Get lots of rest Break the rules Don't force it Read a page of the dictionary Create a framework Stop trying to be someone else's perfect Got an idea, write it down Clean your work space Have fun Finish something Try doing this and stay creative .. stand out !!

انسان جواك و جوايا

كلنا نفسنا نكون ذلك الانسان اللي اصلا جواك و جوايا .. الانسان الطيب اللي ملكه مش ليه .. الانسان اللي مليان امل و سعاده و تفاؤل .. الانسان اللي قعدته حلوه .. الانسان اللي دماغه و قل...

زينه عرفه

زينه عرفه .. بنت عندها 5 سنين .. بتلعب مع جيرانها علي السلم جوا عمارتهم .. فاجأه يطلع ابن البواب اللي اقل من 16 سنه و ابن الجيران عشان يخطفوها علي السطح .. لما البنت صرخت عشان بتدافع عن نفسها .. رموها من السطح .. الدور ال11 عشان مايتفضحوش ... سؤال .. حقوق الطفل كمان مش موجوده .. يعني لا حقوق انسان و لا حقوق المرأه .. طب في حقوق مين بظبط ... انا كاتبه دا عشان دا استفزاز .. لأنها طفله عندها 5 سنين و اتقتلت .. لازم تكون قضيه رأي عام و لازم حقها يرجع بالقصاص و الذئاب دول يتعدموا .. حسبي الله و نعمه الوكيل ... 

Some people are old at 18 and others are young at 80.

There are 2 scenarios. First one; young girls and boys, whom are poor; they can't afford living .. no money .. no food .. no education .. no clean water .. instead there are responsibilities on their shoulders, that adults can't be responsible for alone. Under 18 and working maybe it 2 or more jobs, so they can afford living for themselves and their families too. These are people at the age of 18 or under 18 and old!! Second one; old women and men, whom are rich; they can afford relaxed life .. they eat healthy .. work in moderate levels .. relaxed .. financially stable .. educated some sports.  These are people at the age of 80 or above and young !! OUR ROLE !! we have to help the poor .. education and basic needs from shelter, food, and clean water is the basic needs for being a human. Next time you see a homeless boy or girl or man or woman, don't turn away .. go and help .. be proactive !! Help others afford their living. Help others to live.

انهرده عيد الطفوله

كل سنه و احنا لسه اطفال .. كل سنه و احنا روحنا حلوه و مش شايليين للدنيا هم .. كل سنه و احنا فرحانيين و مبسوطيين و منشكحيين كمان .. الطفوله حاله نفسيه و مش عمريه .. ف يا رب نكون كلنا اطف...

Girl Vs Woman and Boy Vs Man !!

Being a Girl or a Boy, means that you are still forming your personality and character. You still need to work hard on yourself, as you are still young and inexperienced. In contrast with this being a Woman or a Man, means that you just need to develop what you have already reached from personality and character. You are mature enough, knowing well who are you? and what you do want from life? Based on 2 posts on "Just My Type" blog. Being a Girl Vs Woman:  While getting angry; girls scream or give a silent treatment, on the other hand woman communicate like an adult and respond in stead of reacting. Being a girl, you always feel as if you are a princess and that people must give you more than what you really deserve; in contrast being a woman gives you the sense of what you really have or your standards in stead of expectations. A girl uses her beauty as if it is her basic value, but a woman believes that her worth is beyond her physical appearance, a woman basis her ...

اختلافنا لازم يقوينا

الفرق الوحيد بينك و بين اي حد حواليك شايف انه ماينفعش يبقي موجود حواليك .. ان انت و هو مختلفين و مش قادر انت تتعايش مع الاختلاف دا .. انا و طفل الشوارع و لا الشحاتيين .. انا اتولدت ...

Flash Mind Reader This flash mind reader, makes people wondering how is this working each and every time. First try it, you will be impressed, it's working.  Try again, it is working too. Now, before choosing the numbers, see the sign beside multiples of 9, you will find that this sign is the one appearing. Simply any number you will choose with this algorithm will lead to a number multiple of 9, so every time the multiples of have the same sign. It's so simple to figure if you know mathematics. Actually I didn't figure it by myself. But at the end I understood it.

To regain our humanity

We are humans as a type .. but we are not acting as humans anymore. We are like scared to smile to eachother .. as people may prejudge smiling to strangers wrong. We are aggressive for no real reason .. just to get our rights back. We are living our normal life .. while others are dying. We are living our normal life .. while others are rightless-with no rights. We need to regain our humanity again. We have to be humans once more. Being human is about having rights and obligations .. accepting our differences too. Let's all regain our humanity. And forget our animality and unthinking. Be proactive instead of being reactive.


In every single part all over the globe, differences are an issue. And we have to coexist always and forever. Differences occur because of religions, ethics, nationalities, appearances, politics, and even m9re things makes us different. And at the end, despite of all our differences, we are living together in one universe. We have to coexist together, and no one ever has a superior power over the others.  We all have equal rights and obligations too. Let's coexist together.

Rebranding Charity

From the first day I joined the GUC community, all people  are talking about Bdaya .. the charity club, with hard interviews and picky recruiting process. It began with me as a challenge. I've to bet this interview!! While my first year - the previous year, I entered this interview, it was for 30 minutes, and I was rejected.  And this was never a satisfying ending for me, I entered the interview this year. And here the story begins, the interview was good. I was accepted this time. It all began with an email confirming my acceptance, attending the orientation session, which was full of positive spirit of people in need of changing the charity meaning, people need to do charity more often. On the orientation session I've learned that Bdaya's mission is to rebrand charity by 2020. They are doing this through different committees including academics for education, YES for fulfilling the gap between academics and the career skills, Care for orphans full care. I took t...

-As it appears these are personality tests, you may be  uninterested  in knowing more about me, but I'm sure you need to know more about yourself; so take some time to check this site and it's tests. Personality: You very rarely feel depressed and are usually in a good frame of mind, however high levels of stress can lead to you feeling panic or confusion, but usually you cope with day to day pressures. You enjoy some excitement and risk taking in your life. You prefer dealing with either people or things rather than ideas. You regard intellectual exercises as a waste of your time. You are tender hearted and compassionate, feeling the pain of others vicariously and are easily moved to pity, however you feel superior to those around you and sometimes tend to be seen as arrogant by other people. You have strong will-power and are able to overcome your reluctance to begin tasks. You are able to stay on track despite distractions. You are generally calm, although s...


To my surprise today is a day-off from university, so I've decided to enjoy this day with no studying; as I've finished all what I've to do during the weekend.   First, I've decided to make some handmade notebook, as I really enjoy these little handmade things. Second, I've decided to write some posts here. Third, I'll listen to some music and old songs. Fourth, I'll read some chapters from "Dear John" by Nicholas Sparks. It's a good surprise to wake up in a totally free day .. enjoy !!


I'll say my opinion about my sign-beloved sign, Gemini. Well first of all I found that 99% of facts about Gemini is real in my case. I admit I'm a real Gemini. As a Gemini, I admit having dual character. I may like everything and it's contrast too, sometimes mature and other times childish too.  I'm talkative-this was my teachers' comment always and forever during my school years. I'm a very good speaker as expected. I adore laughing, and freedom.  I am always working on myself and my personality.  Silence kills me, but silence with a book company or at the beach is great. I'm intelligent, and I've a quick mind. I'm very adaptable. I'm always eager to learn new things, and I learn new things quickly. Well organized and I can manage personal stuff and professional stuff too. I can smell losers from a huge distance. I always think of all scenarios before anything real takes place. I'm always thoughtful. Here we are I've my...

Thumbs Up

These are 5 different designs for the project .. make people optimistic, happy, and positive. "Thumbs Up"

Charity for me

Charity for me is more than money, food, and shelter. Charity for me is helping anyone in need; physically or emotionally. The need of being optimistic, happy, and positive could be fulfilled by charity. I'm hereby promising to help all those in need to be more optimistic, happy, or positive. I'm volunteering to help people live and not just survive. As I love note-cards, I'll design things belong to being optimistic, happy and positive; and I'll distribute them among people I met. Let's start this "Thumbs Up" project. Later on, I'll post some of my designs that I gonna share with others. Start yours too. And mention our blog site on the cover page with "Thumbs Up" as a title.  Soon I'll post some of my designs.