Some people are old at 18 and others are young at 80.

There are 2 scenarios.

First one; young girls and boys, whom are poor; they can't afford living .. no money .. no food .. no education .. no clean water .. instead there are responsibilities on their shoulders, that adults can't be responsible for alone. Under 18 and working maybe it 2 or more jobs, so they can afford living for themselves and their families too.
These are people at the age of 18 or under 18 and old!!

Second one; old women and men, whom are rich; they can afford relaxed life .. they eat healthy .. work in moderate levels .. relaxed .. financially stable .. educated some sports. 
These are people at the age of 80 or above and young !!

OUR ROLE !! we have to help the poor .. education and basic needs from shelter, food, and clean water is the basic needs for being a human.
Next time you see a homeless boy or girl or man or woman, don't turn away .. go and help .. be proactive !!
Help others afford their living. Help others to live.


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