
Showing posts from August, 2016

Millennials Nuggets #1

**This series of articles are inspired by: Chelsea Krost. Whom are the "millennials"? "Millennials" are born within the eighties & nineties, may be also called "Generation Y" or "Generation ME". The thing is we are having similar attitudes towards the world around us. Estimations are 2025 we will account for 75% of the work force globally. We are known for being highly-educated & under-employed at the same time!! We are really diverse & liberal in our views.  How jobs are transforming? A study shows that by 2041, the offices will be virtual & digital on the cloud instead of having the normal physical offices. We will work remotely from anywhere on the globe, services are offered through the cloud & work will be done via social solutions & mobile devices.  How to keep your company in the market then? Start with establishing your company's digital presence on social media, and start introducing your employee...

Millennial Nuggets-Introduction

While surfing the internet, I've found the term "Millennials" repeated a lot! There are experts in this field too, the Millennials field!! So, I've decided to dig deeper & blog about it to share the thoughts. You know I can relate to Millennials easily, as I am one myself (born in 1994). I know it all! Even I lived it all!! Millennials are the boys & girls born through the 1980s & 1990s, right now (aka. 2016) they are either students or kicking their careers off. "Millennial Nuggets" will be our place, where I'll share all my thoughts about our personal thoughts & how we dream of our professional life too.  As much as we are diverse, as mush as we can relate to each-other in a way or another. We have nearly the same attitude, we are highly-educated, we are multi-taskers, we care about philanthropy, we are mobile, we need to add a value wherever we are! We are the first generation to live their whole life in the internet era....

أهل مصر

من أحلى الأغاني اللي سمعتها في حياتي! #أهل_مصر لما قرروا يعلنوا عن نفسهم بعدوا تماماً عن المأساويات و وجع القلب اللي ممكن يجيب نتيجة عكسية تماماً عن المتوقع من التبرع! عملوا أغنية و جابوا فنانين محبوبين جداً و جابوا حالات #حروف حقيقية، و كتبوا كلمات بتقشعر الجسم من كثر الحلاوه و التفاؤل. بيقولوا لك "شوف بقلبك مش بعينك" بلاش تكون سطحي و تحكم على شخص من شكله اللي ملوش أي يد فيه! عشان "تعرف جمال اللي حواليك" و عشان كمان "تغير مفهوم اللي شايف كل حاجة من برا و خايف يسأل إزاي؟ و ليه؟" عشان ببساطة مفيش إجابة لأن الإنسان ملوش أي يد في شكله ولا في أي حادثة ممكن تحصل له! "مع أن أهم حاجة الروح، الجوهر زي كتاب مفتوح" و نرجع تاني نقول أن أهم حاجه الروح و الجوهر مش الشكل و الملامح! "أنا إنسان مش بس جروح، عندي أمل عندي طموح" بص أعمق شوية لأن كلنا واحد و عندنا أحلامنا و طموحنا. "قول لهم ما يخافوش مني، اللي فيا دا غصب عني! فهمهم أنه مش إختياري دي حاله طارقه بدون إنذار" مش معنى أن الشكل مختلف شويتين و فيه علامات أن الناس تخف...