
Showing posts from December, 2013

البوسطاجيه و المراسيل

"البوسطاجيه اشتاكوا من كتر مراسيلي .. و عيوني لما باكوا دابت مناديلي .. روح يا قمر و النبي عال حلو ماسيلي .." كنت بسمع الغنوه دي دلوقتي .. و بصراحه انا مش مبسوطه خالص .. لأن مابقاش في م...

New year's resolutions

This is the exact time of each year that I try to write my resolutions for the new year. Usually I fail in doing so; but this year I'll try hard to write and stick to my new year resolution. As soon as I finish it I'll post it here. I wish all of you dearest readers, to write yours. I wish you all to stick to it for the whole year. Feel the accomplishment next year when you find yourself fulfilled your objectives. Happy new year, and let it be a new and fresh begining.

برنامج المشروع 2

انهرده الحلقه التانيه من برنامج المشروع .. اول برنامج لرواد الاعمال علي التلفزيون المصري .. و هنكمل مع ال 14 حلم ل14 ولد و بنت من كل مكان في مصر .. اول تحدي ليهم كان انهم يشتروا 10 حاجا...

Mahatama Ghandi advice

To maintain a positive destiny .. let's take mahatama Ghandi quote in consideration. " Keep your thoughts positive, because your thoughts become your words. Keep your words positive, because your words become your behavior. Keep your behavior positive, because your behavior become your habits. Keep your habits positive, because your habits become your value. Keep your value positive, because your value become your destiny." Begin with thoughts to reach your destiny.

Animal Farm

A novel by George Orwell. Without Hussein El-Shafei I never thought about reading it. But it came that way and I read it, and liked it soo much. It appears as an animation book, full of animals; pigs, horses, donkeys, dogs, sheep, cows .. but I found it a political book represented in an amazing way. He literally visualized all we are passing by in revolutions and politics, but in a way makes you love reading it. To my surprise it is an old book, and it is republished again and again till now adays. Despite being old, it is telling what was happening years ago, happening now, and will happen in the future if we didn't learn the lessons. It all begins when humans treated animals in a bad way, human beings treated animals as slaves. So, animals responds to that by a revolution and a movement that calls for Animalization; this movement is calling for animals can do everything on their own without humans, and that anything on 2 legs or related to humans is bad; and everything with 4 l...

Believing is living

It is true .. you must believe in yourself and your dreams to live them. You must search for your dream, write it, draw it, visualize it, belive it, live in it. Everything can come to your mind is real. So, if you dreamed of it .. you can achieve it. To succeed you have to dream, believe, and then live. We are here on earth for a reason, this reason is our dream; the dream we will believe in and achieve it. Go sit alone and dream, write this dream or draw it, believe in yourself that you can do it, visualize it .. one day this dream will become true.

2014 wishes!!

2013 came to an end .. and 2014 is beginning .. and these are my new year wishes .. Happy new year to the best mum in the world; Dalia you make my life brighter. Happy new year to the best dad; Hossam you are my 1st love and 1st hero in this world. Happy new year to the best sister; Farah you are the best sister despite the fights. Happy new year to all my relatives; happiness is doubled with you. Happy new year to all my friends; "sharing is caring" and you make my days enjoyable.


انتوا عارفين الفيل دا كله ازاي بيعرفوا يربوطوا بحبل عادي جدا كدا .. من و الفيل صغير و ضعيف بيربطوا بالجبل دا .. و كل ما الفيل يحاول يشدوا و يهرب ميعرفش .. اصله لسه ضعيف و مش قادر .. بس...

أكسر الروتين

لو كل يوم بتعمل نفس الحاجات ف دا روتين في حد ذاته .. و لازم كل شويه كدا تاخد يوم لكسر الروتين .. اصحي متأخر عن العادي او بادري عن العادي .. نام متأخر عن العادي او بادري عن العادي .. قعد...

برنامج المشروع

هو حاجات كتير و تجربه ممتعه و اصبح حلم جديد في دايره احلامي اللا نهائيه .. الاول هو ناس كتير و مختلفه و عايشين قابلين بعض و من اول مقبله .. احلامهم بسيطه و ممتعه و مفيده .. نرجع هوي...

اكتب قصه حياتك

اكتب قصه حياتك بنفسك .. اصل القصه دي بالذات اللي لا يمكن تقرأها لازم تكتبها و تنفذها كمان .. اعمل لحياتك خطه و حط اهداف .. امشي ورا احلامك و حققها .. هتتعب بس مش هتموت .. هتفشل بس هتنج...

سيب علامه تعلم

في الدنيا عمرنا محدود .. لازم نستغلوا من بدايته ل نهايته .. لازم نمشي من الدنيا و. احنا سيبين علامه تعلم علي الدنيا و الناس تفتكرنا بيها .. فكر كويس كل يوم لما اموت الناس هتفتكر ا...

حصاله الحب

حصاله الحب دي موجوده في اي علاقه بين اتنين او اكتر .. العلاقه دي ممكن تكون علاقه امومه او ابوه او اسره او صداقه او حب .. و الحصاله دي مش ملموسه بس بتتحس. لازم تكون مليانه فالحياه ...

عم محمد مات

عم محمد مات .. عم محمد راجل ملوش بيت و طول عمره بيته الشارع .. معوش غير جلابيه لابسها و شويه اكل و فلوس اللي الناس بتديه .. عم محمد مات امبارح من السقعه .. احنا هنموت من السقعه و احنا ...


coexistence is the idea of living in the same place and at the same time, in spite of all our differences. "The power of love is 1000 times more effective than the power of fear." -Mahatama Ghandi Let's live in coexistence together!!