Habits list
This week we have a very long holiday since Wednesday! So, I have decided to binge watching some videos by Pick Up Limes on Youtube. You will find in this article the summary of habits that I have learned out of this activity.
Note that you should only introduce one new habit at a time & that every new habit needs 21 days to be fully formulated.
- Be Proactive
- Focus on the things that you can control
- Prioritize your tasks by importance & urgency
- Use downtime (commuting time or cleaning time) wisely
- Read books
- Know when you are the most productive (morning or evening)
- Plan your time early enough
- Schedule your breaks to sharpen yourself
- Take some time during the morning to visualize your day
- Focus on one task at a time
- Take it easy and no need to rush
- Meditate with the 5-4-3-2-1 beginner technique to be present
- Say to yourself 5 things that you can see
- Say to yourself 4 things that you can feel
- Say to yourself 3 things that you can hear
- Say to yourself 2 things that you can smell
- Say to yourself 1 thing that you can taste
- Meditate a little bit more (labeling = name it only)
- Find a comfortable position
- Close your eyes
- Find calmness
- Tune into the sensations & observe via labeling it
- Keep attention to your breathing rhythm into your belly
- Observe the thoughts via labeling it till it pass
- Screens off to be present after breakfast
- Hydrate by drinking a lot of water and tea
- Have a nutritionist breakfast to boost your energy
- Fruits
- Vegetables
- Nuts
- Grains
- Vegetable based milk
- Check-in with yourself through answering a set of questions
- What am I thinking?
- How am I emotionally feeling? Why?
- How am I feeling physically?
- What are my 2 intentions for today?
- What are the 2 things I am grateful for?
- What is the 1 thing that will increase my happiness?
- Prepare your snacks
- Fruits
- Dried fruits
- Healthy crackers
- Clear your surfaces from clutter
- Fresh air & body love by exercising
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