Girl Boss

Being a "Girl Boss" does not only mean owning your own business. For me, it means owning your own life and pursuing the opportunities you have to shine. A "Girl Boss" is achieving all of her dreams and goals in life. To keep the passion she have within her forever. To empower herself and to keep empowering others around her too. Simply, she helps herself and others to unleash the gems within themselves.

Writing is an escape for me! Since 2013, I kept track of all the big topics I do have in my mind here within this blog. And I have got the opportunity to write in big online magazines such as: Rosa El Youssef & Identity Magazine. So, I do count myself as a "Girl Boss" that is trying to manage her chaos. Between the full-time job/humanitarian work/blogging, I feel content while writing here.

So, here are the top 3 tips I have for you.

  1. Keep a planner, daily reflections journal, and brainstorming book: With those handy books/journals you can keep track of everything, the planner will help you see your full-day/week/month/year schedule, your daily reflections journal will show you your growth on daily basis, and your brainstorming book will help you to keep track of the wild ideas and what is happening within the meetings you do attend. PS. Keep a different section for every different thing you do in your life. To keep the ideas flowing in their correct space.
  2. Get inspired: Book some daily time to keep yourself inspired, this may be by watching TEDx talks, reading blogs, watching vlogs, scrolling through some Instagram accounts, listen to music, or any other thing that you believe will keep your ideas flowing.
  3. Focus: Multi-tasking is a great skill to master, but the greatest is to focus in everything you do. This is a hard lesson that I do learn the hard way. Don't send this email before double checking it. Don't decide something before checking all the available alternatives. Between tons of emails/messages you do receive everyday, remember to always focus on every one separately. Believe me, you don't know what may happen.

At the end success is a long road that is not easy. It differs from one person to the other. So, maybe your success is to be happy or relaxed or conquer a certain position or feel loved or open your own business or write your own book or making your own parents proud or any other thing that will help you feel accomplished.
Whatever your definition of success is, be a "Girl Boss"!


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