Blogger Recognition Award
All the thanks goes to Miranda Chang for nominating me to the "Blogger Recognition Award". Please check her blog! She is talking about travel, charity, and poems. I am really honored with my first blogging award.
What is the "Blogger Recognition Award"?
The bloggers owns so much talent to produce posts/articles in the middle of the daily chaos. As a proper acknowledgement, we should note that the blogging community has members that supports each other as an act of encouragement.
The Blogger Recognition Award is here to sustain that idea and is given to bloggers by fellow bloggers to encourage them to work harder and to validate the fact that we are doing a great job in the blogosphere.
The Rules:
- Write a post to show your award.
- Give a brief story of how your blog started.
- Give two pieces of advice for new bloggers.
- Thanks whoever nominated you and provide a link to their blog.
- Select 15 other blogs you want to give the award to.
Story of how my blog started:
It all has started in 2013, to be accurate it was 3rd of August 2013. I was struggling to find a hobby or a passion to follow besides being a Management Student. So, I have chosen blogging as my passion. Right after, I knew that I have chosen the right thing! As I kept writing since then.
With the support of my readers, I had the chance to have my articles published in different online platforms for some well known newspapers and magazines.
This blog has experienced a lot of ups and downs with me. It has experienced my university years, my graduation, my internships, my first full-time job. To cut it short, this blog has the same life as mine with all the ups, downs, and lessons learned since 2013.
In less than 5 years, this blog maintained to have +92K views. My goal is to reach 100K by the end of 2017. Few days ago, I was nominated for the "Blogger Recognition Award", thanks again Miranda Chang from Travel Diaries|My Journey Around the World.
Two pieces of advice for new bloggers:
- Consistency, the time & effort you do spend on your blog really pays off. During this journey, I have learned that whenever I spend more time on the blog it gives me back a huge number of viewers and a good reputation. However, whenever I am busy to write, the blog views declines sending the reputation of not working enough. So, be consistent in writing 2-3 times per week and work really hard to keep this promise.
- Ask for it, every time I do go to a place that inspires me or attend an event that motivates me to write. I go directly to their focal point & discuss how to share my piece with them after publishing it. Every time it is a success to engage people! So, never be afraid of rejection.
- This is a bonus tip!! Whether you are talented or not, practice makes perfect.
And congratulations to my nominees:
- Smart Twenties by Sam Brown.
- Koze by Kalyn Nicholson.
- Thought by Heidi by Heidi Williams.
- Beauty from Ashes by Cindy Seaton.
- Hannah Ashton Content by Hannah Ashton.
- Boho Berry by Kara.
- The Woodland Wife by Jessica.
- Rosalilium by Elizabeth Dhokia.
- Tanya Burr by Tanya.
- Cocochic by Steph.
- Fresh Start Everyday by Julia.
- Life is short. Life is sweet by Veronica
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