
Showing posts from December, 2016

بلاش تكون ضفدع

أظن أغلبية الناس تعرف قصة الضفدع مع التأقلم!! لو عايز تحط ضفدع في مياه مغلية، ف أكيد هيموت. و لكن لو حطيت الضفدع في مياه عادية و شوية بشوية سخنت المياه دي لدرجة الغليان ف الضفدع هيقعد في المياه و كل شوية يتأقلم على درجة الحرارة الجديدة، لحد ما هيموت فاجأه! هي دي حياة أغلبنا .. بنتأقلم على حياتنا و نسميها روتين .. كل ما يحصل حاجة جديدة بنتأقلم عليها لحد ما نموت!! ببساطه إحنا اللي بنخلق الروتين، إحنا اللي بنتأقلم على كل جديد و نستسلم له. زي الضفدع ما بيستسلم لسخونة المياه كل مرة و في الأخر بيموت!! الحل بسيط و في أيدينا .. أننا نكسر الروتين! بلاش نتأقلم على كل جديد. مش لازم تتعود أنك كل يوم بتسمع نفس الأغاني و أنت رايح للشغل أو راجع من الشغل!! غير نوع الأغاني و المغني كل يوم و أكتشف حاجات جديدة، مثلاً أنهردة جاز و بكرة كلاسيك و بعده أوبرا و بعده شعبي و هكذا. حتى لو مش نوع الموسيقى المفضل ليك، بس هيكون تغير و كسر للروتين.بدل ما كل خروجاتك بتكون في المطعم الفلاني أو الكافيه العلاني، تقدر تنزل تتمشي في شوارع المعادي أو شوارع الزمالك أو شوارع مصر القديمة ز في أيدك أيسكريم أو ذرة مشوي ...

Design Your Self - Home Recommendations -

In this article and to continue over-viewing this amazing book, here was the first article: . If you need to improve your productivity & empower yourself to have a positive spirit. Start with your HOME!! RULE NUMBER ONE: Keep your home as minimal as possible!! Keep it simple & clean. Here is a list of 20 tips to follow. Create large, white spaces with accents of strong positive colors. Knock down walls that are not structural and open up spaces. No visible clutter and no bookshelves. Have less but better furniture. Flat surfaces accumulate things. Put all the charges in one place. Try to consolidate all your technology. Have a plasma screen. Use warm, soft, high performance materials. Embrace technology. All kitchen products should be hidden, only show the artistic designs. Impose order, line everything perfectly. Don't be a pack rat, and recycle paper. Avoid curtains,...

Design Your Self - Book Learnings -

There is a nice book by Karim Rashid, published on April 2006. Its aim is to help you rethink your whole life, love, and work. And here I am listing 20 general tips to apply in your life immediately & enhance your productivity. Live like someone from another planet, observing and engaging in the human condition. Artists sees the present, while others see the past. Be objective! In designing yourself, be fearless to push the boundaries. We are all born creative, but at some point this creativity stops. Be creative and indulge in it! We grow up afraid to stand out and express our true selves. Being casual, cross-cultural oriented, and open-minded to be unbiased and open to freely express your true self. Eliminating formalities saves time and brings mobility. Design your time using technology, and work on a global clock or internet time. Entrepreneurship spirit should be spread from just working to much more. Design instead of craft; design with a full plan and then...

Millennial Nuggets #4

*This is inspired from TEDx talks. For non-millennials: Public believe that we are all narcissistic, lazy, addicted to the mobile/digital, depending on our parents & can climb the highest mountain, but can't bear climbing the corporate ladder! WHICH IS WRONG. We all are only YOUNG! Because we are young (like any other 21 years old persons), we are not mature enough & we are entitled!  We are born believing that we should be employable. Taking loads of unpaid/paid internships, taking loans to afford really expensive universities, taking loads of courses, and much more! Studies shows that millennials need to be good parents, good sufficient others, or good to the community; this is nothing like being narcissistic, right? Don't buy the whole package!! We are struggling with the fact that we are growing up, think of your young adult years! For Millennials: The public sees us as the future leaders, but we are not! We can change the world positively. Millennia...

Millennial Nuggets #3

 *Inspired from Chelsea Krost & David Villa. Creating a Millennial-friendly company, whether it is a small or medium or large company. To have a successful & a winner company for the millennials, you should carefully read this article . This article is divided into 2 parts, so this is part # 2 !! Clear purpose is the heart of any winning company, millennials are motivated mainly by passion & not money. So, having a clear purpose will attract the right smart millennials to your company. Millennials can outwork the CEO himself is they have the sense of purpose & where they are going to. Innovation is the key to the company growth & living forever. Transformations & innovations are really important for the company's foster growth. Enhance the innovation through challenging your employees & millennials. Dive deep in their ideas & initiatives.  Monthly brainstorming sessions that are broken to small groups, keeps the innov...