Millennial Nuggets #2

*Inspired from Chelsea Krost & David Villa.

Creating a Millennial-friendly company, whether it is a small or medium or large company. To have a successful & a winner company for the millennials, you should carefully read this article. This article is divided to 2 parts, so this is part #1!!

Think of Google, Apple, IBM, Nike, Unilever, Danone and those companies known for their own unique culture. You will witness their youthful & friendly culture along with their professionalism too. It is not only about replicating any other culture, but it is about being unique & creating your own!
Culture is important to have employees that believe that here they can pursue their dreams, to excel as if it is their company & not yours only. Culture helps you in initiating a healthy spirit that keeps attracting young people or millennials.

Create/hire culture ambassadors within your organization right now, they are the most passionate and care too much about your company. Caring about the mission & values plus willing to communicate it to outsiders positively. Those are the key to retain & attracting the top talents.

Recruiting the top talents, money is not the only motivation; but you need to tackle their passions & what makes them happy. Invest in developing your employees & put them first. This will help you have  positive word-of-mouth & will snowball. 

Stay tuned .. many topics to come!



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