
It is one of the famous hash-tags on twitter, let's take a deeper look. What do people see beautiful in Egypt and worth visiting??

  • The sun is always shinning
  • Egyptians have the brightest smile and warmest hospitality 
  • White desert
  • Alexandria
  • Nile River
  • Red sea and Coral reefs
  • Luxor
  • Aswan
  • Khan El-Khalili
  • El-Gouna
  • Diving experience
These things and way more things must be highlighted by Egyptians, to help in refreshing tourism in Egypt.

We have to record some Egyptian folklore on DVDs, to be spread for free, under the embassy's name. Begin to make some handmade souvenirs to be sold in Egypt or outside Egypt to motivate people to come here. We may also design some brochures with interesting places here, and distribute them among all people worldwide.  We can also organize some Egyptian festivals under the umbrella of different embassies, in different countries "International Egyptian Day" to let people know more about our beloved country Egypt.

I hope these ideas are done soon, Egypt must be known right :) 


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