
Daydreaming is when I'm partially living my real life with some hopes and ambitions, happy thoughts; but this is experienced while I'm awake.
Daydreams are different than normal dreams, because of 2 things: first, daydreams can be remembered more clearly; second, daydreams can be controlled easier.

Before daydreaming, go to the toilet .. then drink a glass of water; mainly to be relaxed.
Pick a good time to do so, maybe just before falling asleep.
Find a place, which is quit .. maybe a car-you're not the driver .. it maybe your bedroom .. you can even try the bathroom.
Close your eyes, or open them as you wish; but remain focused.
Relieve the mind, listen to related songs .. full of emotions, so it can help you to daydream better.
Imagine and imagine and imagine.
Imagine stuff makes you happy, and bring them in a story.
Write down your daydreams.

This is inspired from wikihow.


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