Habits list
This week we have a very long holiday since Wednesday! So, I have decided to binge watching some videos by Pick Up Limes on Youtube. You will find in this article the summary of habits that I have learned out of this activity. Note that you should only introduce one new habit at a time & that every new habit needs 21 days to be fully formulated. Be Proactive Focus on the things that you can control Prioritize your tasks by importance & urgency Use downtime (commuting time or cleaning time) wisely Read books Know when you are the most productive (morning or evening) Plan your time early enough Schedule your breaks to sharpen yourself Take some time during the morning to visualize your day Focus on one task at a time Take it easy and no need to rush Meditate with the 5-4-3-2-1 beginner technique to be present Say to yourself 5 things that you can see Say to yourself 4 things that you can feel Say to yourself 3 things that you can he...