
Showing posts from August, 2013

How to be productive

To be productive: -Tune out the news, most of the time there is nothing new. -Limit the email reply and social networks time. -If you don't understand what an email asks for, don't answer. -Don't answer the phone, except if it is emergency. -Use keyboard shortcuts. -Define you fashion uniform. -Wear smart fabrics. -Carry on an all-occasion outfit. -Discard what you stop using. -Visualize your end product. -Start before you feel ready. -Assume you are right, when in doubt. -If you have a mind block, make a mind map. -If you can't write it down, just record it. -When you read something helpful, write to the writer. -Manage anxiety. -Sleep more. -Take naps, when your energy is low. -Do easiest things first. -Prioritize one item per day. -Set a daily routine. -No meetings unless they are decisive. -Better done than perfect. -Routinize your diet. -Eat healthy food. -Get delivery to save time. -Negotiate a daily d...


Daily take time to do what you love .. succeed in it. You will find that you are a treasure .. 
- Life is short, smile as long as your teeth are still here ;)

Happiness treats

Obstacles are very normal in life, you will always find them through out your life .. you must learn to deal with it, go through it, jump over it, whatever you find good. To keep yourself away from obstacles, always keep your own happiness treats. This list is customized and personalized way to help you to be always happy. Take sometime alone .. think, and think deeply .. what makes you happy? .. ask yourself, write down all the answers passes by your mind that makes you happy.  Here you are done with your own list, keep it a habit, read it daily, keep it always with you .. always do whatever in it. For example, mine includes: listening to songs in my playlist, talking with God, reading, chatting with friends, watching movies, going out, gatherings with my family, writing, daydreaming, attending inspirational events ... Daily take time to make yourself happy :)

Life is a garden

Your life is your garden .. plant whatever you want.  You may plant love, peace, help, hope .. literally, you can plant whatever you wish.
Dream it .. Plan it .. Run for it .. Catch it ...  Live happily ever after. Have a dream .. Live it :)
Instead of thinking about your weak points, think more about your strong points. Forget about searching for what you miss, instead maximize what you have.

Build a positive attitude

First of all, never ever compare yourself to others; Before thinking about others good qualities, think about your good qualities and improve them. Second, believe that everything is possible; but you have to try hard. Set your goal, and work hard to reach it. Third, if you think that you haven't enough of something in your life; make a goal to get enough of it. Fourth, give everything a chance before you neglect or reject it. It may be the reason for your happiness. Fifth, grooming; appearance effects you; stay natural. Sixth, communicate your needs; if someone make you feel down, just say to him/her. Seventh, stay upbeat; don't let people sayings let you down; it's just their personal opinion. Eighth,  do whatever makes you happy and it's not harmful. Ninth, smile; always remember to keep a beautiful smile on your face, whatever is going on.  Taken from: WikiHow

What difference you make ?

In the turtles hatch season, a teen girl living near the ocean; she decided to help, that day she went to the beach. She saw many newly born turtles can't reach the water .. they are struggling and may die. She went and began holding two of them and walk to the ocean and put them on the shores. She stayed doing this for so long; someone saw her and asked: "how many would you help, they are too many ??", there was no reply. This girl picked other one turtle, and held it; she replayed: "It makes a different to it." -What difference you make? maybe you can't help the whole community, but you can help a family. Always make a difference .. always help.
Smiling to strangers, you can put the smile on strangers' faces too. You may make strangers' day. While walking through your road, smile to people on this road too. While you are walking; smile to babies, play with them; they will feel your love and play back with you. Make smiling your motto, smile everyday. Smiling will make your days, and other's too.  And here a big smile from me to all of you.

ثاني كتاباتي بالعربي

اه كان حصل لو خالد سعيد كرمش للظابط 20 جنيه .. دا سؤال الناس بيسألوا بسخريه .. انا هتناول الموضوع بجديه شويه اولا امه ماكنش انكسر قلبها علي ابنها .. ثانيا مكانش حصل اي ثورات .. ثالثا و دي اهم حاجه فالدنيا مكنش مات الاعداد دي و لا اهلهم انفطر قلبهم عليهم .. مكنش الدم ف كل حته موجود .. و لا الكنائس اتحرقت و لا المساجد كمان اتكسرت .. و مكانش الناس تخاف .. كل الناس خايفه تنزل لتموت و اللي نازل رايح اي حته .. يقول الشهاده و يتناهد .. خايف ميرجعش الله يرحم كل اللي ماتوا .. و يشفي كل المصابيين .. و قدر الله و ما شاء فعل

Blog Your Dreams

Think once, Think deeper. Dream and keep remembering your dreams. Blog your dreams, and keep track of them. Dream to take adventures. Dream to travel the world. Dream of world peace.  But remember never forget your dreams. Live your dreams and fulfill them. 

اول كتابتي بالعربي

حلمك لو ضاع .. دور علي غيره .. اصله لو ليك و بتاعاك مكنش ضاع من الاول :) لما تحلم .. خطط .. حقق .. لو سبته هيموت.


Taken from "" Zuriel Oduwole is an accomplished person. She was the youngest international media representative at the 2012 World Press Conference in Nigeria; she has directed, shot, and edited her own ten-minute documentary on the formation of the African Union (for which she personally interviewed several former and current African presidents); and in early 2013 she traveled to Nigeria to showcase her film and speak to Masters students at the Pan-African University as part of her project to inspire young women to take action for gender equality in education in Africa. It was an early Thursday evening in June when I first heard Zuriel’s story. At work, my phone rang. “Girl Rising, Cassia speaking.” The man on the other end excitedly announced that he was from a non-profit in Fiji and that there was “a 10-year-old girl that was filming a documentary for girls’ education in Africa” that he wanted to put me in touch with. He’d met her through their volu...

Successful VS Unsuccessful people

This is the difference between successful people and unsuccessful people: Successful people: -Have a sense of gratitude -Compliment -Forgive others -Accept responsibility for their failures -Keep a journal -Want others to succeed -Keep a "to-be" list -Set goals and develop plans -Continuously learn -Operate from a transformational perspective -Keep a "to-do" list -Enhance change -Exude joy -Share information and data -Talk about ideas -Read everyday -Give other people credit for their victories Unsuccessful people: -Criticize -Hold a grudge -Blame others of their failures -Say that they keep journals, but they really don't -Think they know it all -Operate from a transectional perspective -Secretly hope others fail -Don't know what they want to be -Never set goals -Exude anger -Hoard information and data -Talk about people -Fly by their seat of their pants -Fear change -Watch TV e...

Little Advice Piece

Wherever life drift me to, I'm always standing here. As happy as a child, always smiling and laughing.  Despite any struggles and needs or wants, here i'm maximizing my happiness by whatever in hand. I've learnt to enjoy whatever in my hands, because one day it will fly away. Little piece of advice from a cheerful girl, caring about you.

Know Yourself Better

To know yourself better, ask yourself some questions, to know yourself deeper. Grab a paper and pen, begin answering these questions. Who Are You? 1.    What is the one thing that makes you special and unique? There is no other person on this planet quite exactly like you. For just a moment, quit focusing on what you are not, what you wish to be, or what others expect from you and  find out what is the one thing you already have that makes you special . Identify your “special”-ness, acknowledge it, respect it and make it central to how you carry yourself. 2.    How do people perceive you? Do people see you for the special person that you are? Do they appreciate your unique abilities? If not, what is the reason? How can you change it? 3.    If money was not a constraint, what would you be doing with your time? Write a book? Become a singer? Grow a beautiful garden? Spend more time with your family? Take your time. Feel free to daydrea...

Another Cinderella Story

It is not about being showy, to impress others .. It's about being yourself to impress yourself and others.

Make your life worth living and telling

Oprah Winfrey, know for her multi-award-winning TV show "The Oprah Winfrey Show". She is the richest African-American of the 20's century. Oprah is the greatest philanthropist in American history.  This few information is from the wikipedia. Here are my words. From a "black woman" as raciest always say to one of the most popular people in America and the world. Her mother was a housemaid; the first six years in her early life, living with her grandmother in rural poverty, despite that she decided to be successful, well-known, and philanthropist.  Despite deep poverty her grandmother taught her to read by the age of 3, maybe this was the secret of her success. Despite being abused, get pregnant by the age of 14 and ran away from her home .. having 3 or 4 half sisters and brother, one was adopted, other died because of cocaine addiction, other was killed because of AIDS related issues.. Despite all this she has decided her own path "succ...

Hope and Optimism are a must to survive

Speaking about hope and optimism now is not a luxurious talk, absolutely the opposite it is what we really want to talk about and read .. we want to find hope, we must be optimistic. We must help Egypt .. and any country in deep struggle.  We must find the way to reach our beloved country again. Everyone must change deeply, the change begins with one person, one family, then it reaches the whole community. Let's find the path !! 

Feminism or Women rights

Feminists are people who believe in equal rights and opportunities as men. They favor equality and gender rights.  They fight for countries to admit women rights; for example women right to vote, because your right the vote is the basic right to have an opinion and to take decision.  There are some signs to know if you are a feminist, from policymic website: - You are a supporter of rights and equality for men and women. - You took a women’s studies course and it motivated you to make a difference. - You pay special attention to how gender roles are portrayed in the media.  - You prefer to be recognized for your talents and not your looks.   - You are highly offended when you are given specific tasks based on your gender. - You don’t see anything wrong with women who run their own households. - You often wonder why men are still being paid more than women in the workforce. - You are interested in advocacy and have strong...


I love reading, not because I don't have life to live .. I need to live different lives. Whenever I choose a new book to read, I choose a new life to live.  Through out my readings, I traveled to Italy, India, Indonesia. I knew more about happiness and love. I lived while giving birth to twins. I lived as a 50 years old woman, married to a plus 50 years old man .. with all their problems.  Reading helps you to live a life and more. But one day you must stop reading other people accomplishments, and start living yours !!

Ways to relax

- Spot out your stress spots - Set in your schedule time to relax - Breathe slowly, recognizing the way you inhale and exhale - Choose healthier food options - Walk or exercise  for 30 minutes daily - Go to a spa and try massage - Try positive thinking and visualizing daily - Pamper yourself - Get rid of your feel of guilty - Prioritize your tasks - Meditate -during sun rise is preferable - Take time for your hobbies - Spend time with your pet - Smile and laugh more often - Spend time in family gatherings - Take 15 minutes before sleeping to disconnect yourself - Give and take around 5 hugs daily Finally surround yourself with positive people, try to do a good time schedule, so you keep a track of your time and tasks. Enjoy everything .. little things, turn big. 

I belong to the Earth

I am belonging to the Earth. I belong to every breath, every water drop, and every sand grain on the Earth's surface.  In my character and personality, i belong to every country and culture. I with one day we all will become one, having one global organization presenting all of us. Having one global constitution, having country's constitution, and finally having personal constitution. Treat people equally !! We are all humans !!

Magic Words

Have you ever thought about what are the magic words, these words can give you everything you want, these words can kick any struggles out of your life. When you ask for something, just say "Please" When you receive something, just say "Thank you" When you do something wrong, just say "Sorry" 3 key and magic words for life, always say these words.

Make your life worth living and telling

Ahmed el-Shugairi, a Saudi media figure. Born on June 6, 1973. He is well-known for his show Khwater.  This few words are from wikipedia, you can find even more there.  What's new ?? This person is always posting, and telling about different ideas he see world-wide, for us to try. The cure idea here, is to stop sitting and reading .. start reading and doing. Some of his ideas: - Garbage can become fortune.  - Perfection can become fortune. Shugairi is one of the people posted in my "People who inspires me"  Make your list of "people inspiring you" and learn from them.  One idol is not enough .. a whole list maybe be !!

Have a break

50 ways to take a break: - take a bath - listen to music - take a nap - go to a body of water - watch the clouds - light a candle - rest your legs up on a wall - let out a sigh - fly a kite - watch the stars - write a letter - learn something new - read a book - sit in nature - move twice as slowly - listen to a guided relaxation - take deep belly breathes - meditate - call a friend - Meander around town - write in a journal - notice your body - buy some flowers - find relaxing scent - walk outside - have a meal in silence - go for a run - take a bike ride - pet a furry creature - create your own coffee break - view some art - read or watch something funny - forgive someone - go to a farmer's market - go to a park - drive somewhere new - examine an everyday object with fresh eyes - color with crayons - make some music - climb a tree - let go of something - engage in small acts of kindness - do some gentle stretches - paint on a surface...