
Showing posts from January, 2018

Swan Lake Ballet Fairytale

On December 2017, I have decided to try a new experience! So, I have booked my ticket to watch my first Ballet live performance in Cairo Opera House. On the 12th of January 2018, I putted on my dress and high heels to watch the Swan Lake fairytale!  The storyline is cliche with "they lived happily ever after" line and all the lovely endings! However, the performance itself was breathtaking with all the pirouettes and white Ballet dresses. First things first, Swan Lake was composed by Tchaikovsky between 1875 and 1876, premiered by the Bolshoi Ballet in 1877 in Moscow. To my surprise, history states that such a great performance was a failure despite its current global success!!!  It is divided into acts, revolving around "Odette" which turned to Swan because of the evil curse by the owl. For you who don't know the story, the curtains goes up so you can see the prince celebrating his birthday in a big royal celebration. Then his parents show their conc...

How to keep the wheel going?

How to keep the wheel rolling for the upcoming 12 months? How to check off all of your 2018 resolutions and goals? How to keep the motivation from dying after few weeks or months? This is the question we are all trying to figure out during every new year, below I am writing a guide that we can come back to for some motivation throughout the year. You should put pen to paper and write all of your goals down. So, you can feel them solid. While writing your resolutions and goals, keep them SMART ! S pecific, M easurable, A ttainable, R ealistic and T imely. And keep them simple. Keep your morals in mind while writing your goals. Keep track of all the steps by adding them to your calendar. You have to keep reviewing your goals periodically and give yourself a score out of 100 till it is achieved. Keep rewarding yourself with each and every progress you do. You have to choose your battles. And  feel responsible for everything. You have to feel content and happy. Keep lea...