Swan Lake Ballet Fairytale
On December 2017, I have decided to try a new experience! So, I have booked my ticket to watch my first Ballet live performance in Cairo Opera House. On the 12th of January 2018, I putted on my dress and high heels to watch the Swan Lake fairytale! The storyline is cliche with "they lived happily ever after" line and all the lovely endings! However, the performance itself was breathtaking with all the pirouettes and white Ballet dresses. First things first, Swan Lake was composed by Tchaikovsky between 1875 and 1876, premiered by the Bolshoi Ballet in 1877 in Moscow. To my surprise, history states that such a great performance was a failure despite its current global success!!! It is divided into acts, revolving around "Odette" which turned to Swan because of the evil curse by the owl. For you who don't know the story, the curtains goes up so you can see the prince celebrating his birthday in a big royal celebration. Then his parents show their conc...